TM #1 from MaBu90-Paper

Comment: This Turing machine never halts.

State on
on 0 on 1
Print Move Goto Print Move Goto
A A1L H1L 1 left A 1 left H
Transition table
Pushing initial machine.
Pushing macro factor 3.

Steps             BasSteps              BasTpos  Tape contents
    0                    0                    0  A>
    1                    1                   -1  <A 100
    2              3000001             -3000001  <A 1111000000 100
    3              6000001             -6000001  <A 1112000000 100
>> Try to prove a PA-CTR with 1 Vars...
    0                    0                    0  <A 1111+V(1) [*]*
    1              3000000             -3000000  <A 1111000001+V(1) [*]*
<< Success! ==> defined new CTR 1 (PA)
    3              6000001             -6000001  <A 1112000000 100
== Executing  PA-CTR  1, V(1)=1999999, repcount=Inf (doing just 1)
    4              9000001             -9000001  <A 1113000000 100   [loop/gtConfig]

Lines:       5
Top steps:   4
Macro steps: 4
Basic steps: 9000001
Tape index:  -9000001
ones:        9000001
log10(ones    ):    6.954
log10(steps   ):    6.954
Run state:   loop/gtConfig

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Input to awk program:
        gohalt 1
        C	This Turing machine never halts.
        5T A1L H1L
        T TM #1 from MaBu90-Paper
        M	400
        pref	sim
        mtype 3
        mmtyp 3
        r	1
        H	1
        mac	0
        E	2
        HM	1
        bnspeed	1

Constructed by: $Id: tmJob.awk,v 1.32 2005/11/12 16:29:03 heiner Exp $ $Id: htSupp.awk,v 1.12 2004/12/23 19:52:41 heiner Exp $ $Id: mmSim.awk,v 1.34 2005/01/09 22:23:28 heiner Exp $ $Id: bignum.awk,v 1.30 2006/07/19 17:33:36 heiner Exp $ $Id: varLI.awk,v 1.11 2005/01/15 21:01:29 heiner Exp $ bignum signature: LEN={S++:9 U++:9 S+:8 U+:8 S*:4 U*:4} DONT: y i o;