Boggle! Part 2



This is Part 2 of the two-week Boggle lab. In this part of the lab, you will be implementing the BoggleGame class. The BoggleGame class will use BoggleBoard and BoggleCube objects to implement the graphics and game-playing logic. The end result will be a fully functional one-player digital Boggle game!

Before you start on this part, make sure your BoggleBoard and BoggleCube classes are working correctly. Before you begin Part 2, please implement any necessary fixes in response to the feedback received from the automated tests.

Prelab (Part 2): Game Logic Diagram

Recall the flow-chart from lecture describing the logic of the Tic-Tac-Toe game class.

Tic-Tac-Toe Game Logic Diagram

Prelab Task. Draw a similar flow diagram that describes the logic of a digital (one-player) Boggle game. As in the TTT example, your diagram should divide the steps into (a) decision steps (represented by yellow diamonds above) and (b) action steps (represented by pink squares above) and clearly label the sequence of steps using arrows with Y and N annotations.

We encourage you to play a real boggle game with your partner a few times first and as you play, write down each step. How would these steps map to the graphical game? Carefully read the “Playing Boggle” and “CS134 Boggle” sections again to remind yourself of the expected behavior of the Boggle game you will be implementing.

This Part 2 handout begins with a review of the rules of the Boggle game.

Playing Boggle

The official rules for Boggle are posted here. In Boggle, players form words by linking together adjacent letters appearing on dice that are arranged in a 4x4 grid. Points are awarded based on the length of the word found, and the player finding words with the highest total score after 3 minutes wins. A picture of a physical version of the game is shown below, and the version that we will be implementing is shown below it.

original our

CS134 Boggle

The screenshot above shows the most important elements of the user interface. Instead of physical dice, we use a 4x4 grid of cubes labeled with letters. In this single-player version, when the player identifies a group of letters that form a word, they enter the word by clicking the appropriate cubes in the order that the letters appear in the word. The letters of the word currently being entered are displayed below the grid in the program window. In the example shown, the letters AXE appear below the grid, indicating that the buttons labeled A, X and E have been clicked in that order.

In your version, you are welcome to customize the game with different colors and fonts (but please adhere to the colors specified in the “Creating a word” section).

Below we give an overview of the main features of the game you will implement.

Creating a Word

In the figure above, you may notice that the letters A and X are displayed in green while the letter E is displayed in blue. In our implementation, the most recently clicked letter is displayed in blue and the letters clicked while entering the current word are displayed in green. If the next letter clicked is adjacent to the last one (i.e., the one displaying a blue letter) and if the letter is not already included in the current word (i.e., it is white with black text rather than green), then that letter is added to the current word. The letter that had been displayed in blue becomes green and the letter that was most recently added becomes blue. The word in progress is displayed (as text) below the board. Your game should provide similar feedback as letters are clicked and words are completed.

Completing a Word

To indicate that a complete word has been entered, the player clicks a second time on the last (blue) letter of the word. The program then checks to make sure the word is at (1) least three letters long, (2) has not previously been entered, and (3) is a valid word (using the provided dictionary). If it passes these three tests then the word is added to the collection of words the player has found, and the text area to the right of the grid is updated to include the word.

Resetting a Word

The player can indicate that a mistake has been made and there is no apparent way to complete the word by clicking any non-adjacent letter of the blue letter. Doing this will reset the colors of all of the selected letters to black text with white background, and clear the word in progress shown below the grid, allowing the player to start over by clicking the first letter of a new word.

Resetting and Exiting the Game

The components at the bottom of our program’s window are used to control when games start and end. If the RESET button is pressed, the program randomizes the letters displayed on the boggle cubes (described below), clears all words and text areas, and begins a new game. If the EXIT button is pressed, the game ends and the window closes.

Shaking the Dice

Whenever you press RESET, your code should randomize the letters shown in the grid of buttons representing the Boggle cubes. The game of Boggle uses a set of cubes labeled with letters in a way that is intended to yield a nice mix of consonants and vowels when the Boggle box is shaken to randomize the letters. To make your game resemble the original, your program should choose the letters displayed based on the letters appearing on the actual Boggle cubes. To do this, you will use the provided Python random module, which has functions for picking a random integer and for shuffling the contents of a list. This algorithm is described in detail below.

Review Documentation of Part 1

To review the documentation of the classes from Part 1, you can type pydoc3 followed by name of module in the Terminal (note that you can type “q” to quit when finished looking to get back to your Terminal). For example, to review the documentation of BoggleBoard type:

pydoc3 boggleboard

The following helper methods from the Board class will be useful to keep in mind as you implement the game.

Board Method Behavior
in_grid(self, point) is mouse click in grid
in_exit(self, point) is mouse click in exit button
in_reset(self, point) is mouse click in reset button
get_position(self, point) if mouse click in grid, return grid coordinates (row, col)
reset_grid_graphics(self) resets the text color and fill color of grid to default values
set_string_to_text_area(self, text) setter for right text area (where completed words are displayed)
set_string_to_lower_text(self, text) setter for lower text area (where current word is displayed)
set_string_to_upper_text(self, text) setter for upper text area (optional display)

Part 2: BoggleGame Class

After completing the BoggleCube and BoggleBoard classes, you are ready to implement the rules of the Boggle game in the BoggleGame class in This step requires careful planning. Think through all possible scenarios as you play the game, and remember to reset the relevant “game state” when appropriate (grid square colors, class attribute values, text areas, etc.).

The BoggleGame class contains four attributes:

The do_one_click(self, point) method is called whenever the user clicks in the window. Here, point is the (x,y) pixel value of the mouse click. Your method should determine what actions to take in response to that click and perform those actions. It should also return a boolean value: it should return True if play should continue or False if the game is over. You will likely want to create several private helper methods to simplify the design of do_one_click.

Clicking on Cubes. Each time a player clicks on one of the cubes in the Boggle grid, the method do_one_click should account for the following possible cases:

To check these conditions and update the state of the board, use relevant methods implemented in the BoggleCube and BoggleBoard class, as well as your BoggleBoard attributes. Make sure you review the expected game-play behavior as described under “Playing Boggle” and “CS134 Boggle” at the top of this handout. In particular, your BoggleCube objects should be highlighted with colors as letters are clicked, completed words should appear in the right text area, and the “word in progress” should appear in the lower text area. In addition, your game should not allow the same cube to be used more than once in a word, and repeat words should not appear in the right text area. Clicking reset should clear all game state and start a new game.

Highlighting selected cubes. Remember that the cubes must change colors as they are selected as described in the “CS134 Boggle” section at the top. You may find the method __highlight_cube(self, cube, text_color, fill_color) useful to implement this behavior. Helpful string values for colors to use are: "blue" and "green" for the text, and"light blue" and "light green" for corresponding fill colors.

Implementing do_one_click (self, point)

The crux of the game play is implementing the do_one_click method in BoggleGame. Here is an outline of one approach (you are free to do things differently.)

We have provided this outline to help guide your thinking, but you should consider translating this logic into comments inside your program. As you implement the steps, we encourage you to add helper methods to make your implementation as readable and efficient as possible. When complete, running as a script (e.g., typing python3 at the command line) should have the behavior of a correctly-functioning Boggle game that can be played.

The if __name__ == "__main__:" block is set up with our usual click handling loop. As in Part 1, if you’d like to produce different boards on each run, add a call to randomize() at the start of that block.

Optional Features (Just for Fun)

If you would like to do so, optionally, you can think of creative ways to extend the game in any way that would enhance the user’s experience. Some ideas for improving the game:

Note. If you choose to modify for adding optional features, please make a copy first. Submit your “original” file and create a new file for implementing the enhanced game.

Submitting Your Work

When you’re finished, stage, commit, and push your work to the server as in previous labs. Good luck and have fun!

Grading Guidelines

Some things to keep in mind:

Functionality and programming style are important, just as both the content and the writing style are important when writing an essay. Make sure your variables are named well, and your use of comments, white space, and line breaks promote readability. We expect to see code that makes your logic as clear and easy to follow as possible.