Lab 5

Lab 5: Debugging

Due Dates

Because this is also the week of the midterm, this lab is due at noon on Friday for everyone.


In this lab, we will focus on debugging, the process of finding and fixing mistakes in our code. The goal of this lab is to gain experience with the following:

Different Classes of Errors

When programming, you may encounter three main types of errors:

  1. Syntax errors. These are textual errors that are identified by Python before it attempts to run the program. For example, if you forget a colon after the function definition, e.g.,

    def add(x, y)    # forgot the colon here
        return x + y

    or forget to indent properly, e.g.,

    def add(x, y):
    return x + y     # function body should be indented

    Python will complain that your syntax is incorrect. These errors, while annoying, are typically the easiest to correct.

  2. Runtime errors. When the program begins running, there are some conditions that may unexpectedly arise that Python will complain about. For example, suppose you compute the current of a circuit using the following function definition, found in a file

    def current(total_voltage, total_resistance):
        return total_voltage / total_resistance

    It is possible that total_resistance is 0. If so, the computation attempts to illegally divide by zero:

    Traceback (most recent call last):
        File "", line 29, in current
        return total_voltage / total_resistance
    ZeroDivisionError: division by zero
  3. Logic errors. Sometimes when we translate an algorithm into code we may introduce mistakes in logic. For example, we may reset a variable to zero, or append a value incorrectly within a conditional, etc. Logic errors are among the hardest bugs to isolate and debug, because even though your program runs just fine, it fails to do what you expect it to do. For example, the following function to count the number of times a value appears in a sequence does return a valid integer, but that integer’s value is incorect—count will always be 0, even if value appears in the sequence.

    def count_occurrences(value, sequence):
        count = 0
        for element in sequence:
            if element == value:
                count + 1        # we aren't saving our updated count
        return count

Reading error messages

As we investigate our scripts this week, we will want to carefully read the hints that Python gives us. For example, when syntax error messages are printed, they include line numbers. The error is very likely at or before the indicated line number. Fortunately, all modern text editors (like VS Code) show us line numbers for our written code.

When a runtime error occurs, the Python system often prints a stack trace or traceback. This is a list of lines in the program that are currently being executed. Information about the most recent line appears near the bottom of the trace. Carefully reading the stack trace can give you important clues about what your program was doing when it stopped running.

Using print statements

Logic errors often stem from incorrect assumptions about the state of the program. To fix them, it is often helpful to get a better view of the program’s variables so that we can verify the accuracy of the assumptions we make. The judicious use of print(...) statements can help to isolate sections of the code that lead to unexpected values in state.

Getting Started

To get started on this week’s lab, you should clone the lab05 repository in the usual manner:

git clone

Remember to replace 23xyz3 with your CS username. Everything that you need to complete this week’s assignment is found in this repository.

Required Tasks

To complete this lab, you must find and fix errors in two of the scripts we’ve included in this week’s repository.

1. Syntax Errors

The script is filled with syntax errors. This script is inspired by a Swedish word puzzle game called “Rövarspråket”. Given a string word and letter letter, the rules of “Rövarspråket” ask for a new word which is created as follows:

Ideally, the function convert in takes a letter and a word as input (both of type str) and returns a new string answer according to the rules of the game. The logic of the included script is sound, but there are many syntax errors that you must fix. As you fix errors, mark each corrected line with the comment “#FIXED,” so we know what you changed. As you get started, you should consider adding some print statements to see how the state of variables are changing on each execution of the loop.

Once you have fixed all the errors, then running the script python3 should print the following:

Let's call convert on u and 
    it returns 
Let's call convert on o and stubborn
    it returns sostotubobboborornon
Let's call convert on o and pp
    it returns poppop

Note that your output should match the output shown above. If necessary, you should comment out (or remove) any additional print statements that you used while debugging.

2. Logic Errors

The script contains two buggy versions of the function is_vowelacious. We call a word vowelacious if it contains three or more consecutive vowels. For example, the word 'vowelacious' is itself vowelacious because of the substring iou. A correct is_vowelacious function should take a word (string) as input, and return True if it is vowelacious; else it should return False.

We have given you two incorrect implementations of this function: is_vowelacious_failed_attempt1 and is_vowelacious_failed_attempt2. You must analyze each of these functions to identify the logic errors. You may add as many print statements as you try to figure out where the code might be going wrong, but please do not modify the logic of these functions and remove the extra print statements before you turn in your code.

In addition to finding the logic errors, you must also complete the following three subtasks:

You can put function calls to test your functions directly in the if __name__ == "__main__": block at the end of the file. This code will only run when the python file is run as a script.

Submitting Your Work and Grading Guidelines

  1. As you finish identifying and removing bugs in each script, do not forget to add, commit, and push your work to the server.

  2. Update your to record collaborations.

  3. As always, the file GradeSheet.txt in your lab05 repository goes over the grading guidelines and documents our expectations.